McKinley Technology High School, one of five specialized high schools in D.C. Public Schools (DCPS), was recognized today by U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan as one of 269 schools nationwide named 2012 National Blue Ribbon Schools. McKinley Tech was the only public school in DC to receive the award this year.
“I am so proud of the students, the teachers, and the school leaders at McKinley Tech,” said DCPS Chancellor Kaya Henderson. “McKinley represents the best of what DCPS has to offer – dedicated and inspired teachers, state-of-the-art technology, and students who are giving their all every day in their classrooms.”
Friday, September 16, 2022
Washington, DC – Today, Mayor Muriel Bowser announced that three schools in the District of Columbia were recognized as National Blue Ribbon Schools for 2022 by the US Department of Education: DC Prep Benning Elementary Campus, McKinley Technology High School and Sela Public Charter School. The recognition is based on a school’s overall academic performance or progress in closing achievement gaps among student subgroups.
“I want to congratulate the educators, students, and families from these three outstanding campuses for being honored as Blue Ribbon Schools,” said Mayor Bowser. “We know how important schools are to our communities and city fabric. And, as a government, we will continue to invest in our public education system and provide schools with the support and resources they need to be successful.”

The "Six Pillars of Success for Student Development" offers a comprehensive framework designed to guide students toward fulfilling their potential in both academic and personal spheres. These pillars are foundational to cultivating well-rounded individuals equipped for future challenges.
Goals, Responsibility, Integrity and Tenacity
Having goals, motivation, and self-empowerment
⦁ Responsibility for learning focusing, note-taking and class preparation
⦁ Honesty and an ethic of contributing to the community
⦁ Persevering through adversity. Our Motto: “No Excuses, Just Solutions”
⦁ Collaboration
⦁ Group leadership
⦁ Project Management
⦁ Doing quality work
⦁ Workplace etiquette: courtesy, punctuality, respect for deadlines
⦁ Career-seeking skills, including networking, resumes, and interviewing
⦁ Dressing for success
Science, Technology, Engineering and Math
⦁ Understanding a variety of STEM careers and having at least one concentration
⦁ Using technology for research, analysis and collaboration
⦁ Applying concepts from science, technology, engineering & math
⦁ Listening and persuading
⦁ Presentation and public speaking (in-person and using electronic media)
⦁ Networking skills
Critical Thinking
Problem Solving

We Are Tech
U.S. News & World reports McKinley to be, "....ranked fourth within District of Columbia. Students have the opportunity to take Advanced Placement® coursework and exams. The AP® participation rate at McKinley Technology High School is 94%."

Since 1926, McKinley Technology has been proud to serve the power of knowledge in the nation's capital to various students of different backgrounds throughout the years. Ready to serve more, and prepare them for success.